`Ashoura ': Research and Reflections

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Dr Yusuf al-Qaradawi
President - International Union of Muslim Scholars

`Ashoura" (the tenth of Muharram) denotes a special date in the Islamic calendar. Muslims, based on the teachings of the Prophet, to celebrate this day, watching over her fast.

In this regard, Ibn `Abassa said that when the Prophet (peace and blessings to him) came to Madinah, in his view, Jews fasted on the day of 'Ashura' (ie, 10 Muharram). They say: "This is a great day on which Allah saved Moses and drowned Pharaoh's people. Moussa said fast today as a sign of gratitude to Allah." The Prophet said: "I am closer to Moses than they." For example, he said, quickly (on the same day), and ordered Muslims to fast on it. (Al-Bukhari)

Muslim may wonder why the Prophet said fast on the same day as the Jews while he had ordered the Muslims not to follow the non-Muslims.

Nevertheless, anyone who has carefully studied the Hadiths regarding the post of `Ashura will find that the Prophet (peace and blessing him) used to fast today, even before he migrated to Madinah. The Arabs before Islam, to fast on that day, and glorify him, and he was the day when they are used to cover the Ka `Bah. In doing so, they were following their predecessors. According to reports from `Ikramah that the Quraysh had committed the sin of Jahiliyah (doislamskoy era), and they expressed regret over it, and it is a pity, therefore, they are encouraged to fast that day expiate their sins.

Thus, neither the Prophet fasted `Ashura, in accordance with the Jews, neither he started fasting in Madina. When he (peace and blessing him) said: "We are closer to Musa than you, and when he fasted and ordered Muslims to fast on that day, he, in fact, affirming the significance of this day and delivering a message to the Jews that God is one religion at all times. All the prophets of the brothers, and each has contributed towards the truth. Thus, Muslims are more entitled to keep all the previous prophets more than those who claim adherence to the prophets, although they falsified their books and have changed their religion.

Thus, if the day of `Ashura noted ill fate of Pharaoh and Moses victory is also a victory for truth, truth that was revealed to Muhammad, and supported them. With Musa (peace and blessing him) fasted that day, as a way to show gratitude to the Almighty Allah, the Muslims have the right to follow him more than Jews.

In addition, it should be noted that the agreement between Muslims and Jews in the post that day happened in the early days of the Muslims in Medina. The Prophet, in fact, liked to be in line with the people of Books that are not prohibited by the issues in order to bring their hearts and a victory over him in his case.

Later, when their hatred and hostility to the Prophet and Muslims were made manifest, he ordered Muslims not to follow them on their way fast. However, in order to preserve the value of this day, the Prophet said:

"Observe fasting on the day of` Ashura ', but different from the Jews, and fast for one day before or the day after. "(Ahmad)

In fact, this issue, we are also handling confused prophet satellites themselves, although he was concerned that Muslims should not follow the Jews and Christians, he noted, the position of `Ashura 'and ordered them to observe it. Thus, they told him, as reported Ibn `Abbas:" O Messenger of Allah, that day, which was famous for Jews and Christians. "The Prophet said:" The next year, God willing, I will quickly (and) for the 9 th day. " But he died before the arrival of the next year. (Muslim)