The emergence of Muslim children

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Children are a gift from God to all parents, and may be regarded as a jewel for someone to be taken and viewed later. Thus, a person must be very careful that they retain their identity as a pearl, if it is him / her. Children may also be assets in the capital of the company, so that the property should be used with caution in order to reproduce, and take profits.

Children need to raise or care in the way of Allah. "We should always try to avoid mistakes, advice, and we also have the risk that our children properly, accurately, and not only according to our will. The majority of Muslims today is less than the efforts in search of guidance and knowledge, as we think, or Suppose that we know how to get to our children, but in reality only in the knowledge that we know to raise a child just learned, how they were raised by our parents. Most of us only methods that our parents that we agree, and probably some of the changes, which we expect will be better. Most of us think we know how vulnerable our children, and do not want to disturb others. This way of thinking so that Muslim children who are sure that the methods we use are not only acknowledged, and based on our assumptions. There are many leaders that we will continue to be found in the Koran books, and many other sources.

From the outset, we must teach our children to Allah, and Allah, we are just slaves. Our plan for the child's development through training, that he learns during his or her age. Used to good work from an early age and always be guided by them in their work.

Note also that one of the best training method is to set a good example. We as parents have a good performance for us to shape the behavior of our children and children with the customs, practices for parents. Make sure that you do not show a bad example as smoking them driving wildly, hurling debris, etc.

For growth, spiritual enrichment of our children, the mentally and physically. These three factors must be balanced and should not be a factor in the imbalance, because other factors, which pose a danger to the three. In the case of education focuses on, for example, the child will not know, Allah or weak in terms of physics.

We have a responsibility to our children, who should care more and their teacher, babysitter or grandparent. Leather is not just good or just your child, but we also need to know what to do what is good for them and what does not. The assumption that is valid, but it rarely refers to methods that have been made, and not just ask your sense of "what you do."